Chances are she will try to tell you in every possible way that she wants to get married to you expecting you to propose to her. Because there’s also the gender thing. Most societies prescribe that the man be the one who proposes. While there’s nothing wrong with a man proposing, a woman proposing ought to be equally okay. Keeping this gender perspective in mind, let’s look at how women may convey that they are ready to become their partner’s wife.

How Do You Know If A Girl Wants To Marry You?

This marriage zone is rather fuzzy for men. They are good at taking you out for dates, they will give you wonderful surprises, they would want to spend time with you but they are mostly confused about the right time to pop the question. That’s why so many Hollywood films show the drama around a proposal. Meanwhile, the lady might be showing desperate signs to get married. The desperate signs could include window shopping for marriage attire, but the man often does not latch on to the signal. So how do you know if a girl wants to marry you?

She would tell you about her wedding dreams.Where she wants to go on her honeymoon.She would be deeply in love with you.She would go the extra mile to do things for you.She and her parents would treat you as part of the family.She would include you in all her important decisions.She would be talking about the future where you would be present.

7 Signs She Wants To Be Your Wife

Actor Naseeruddin Shah once said in an old interview that his marriage with Ratna Pathak happened not because they had many common interests but because there was a chemistry there. He went on to say that it was the lack of common interests that keep the relationship fresh. Ratna said that even though they had a few things in common, they had their individual tastes too and that’s what attracted them to each other. They’ve been married for 34 years, so something sure worked. Ratna said, “When I was sure I was ready for marriage I gave him the signs that I wanted to be his wife. He caught on to it quickly because he also wanted to be my husband.” It seems that marriage in a relationship is mostly a natural progression that people go through. How people reach it is subjective and a process that takes time. But when a woman is ready to get married she will always give the signs.

1. She would tell you clearly she wants to be your wife

One of the ways a woman may tell you that she’s ready for marriage is if she actually tells you. This could be actually the easiest way. But not all women can be so forthcoming so they could be beating around the bush.

2. Let’s talk bridal magazines

Then there’s the person who keeps dropping hints. She will talk about marriage as a topic, leave bridal magazines around, talk about engagement rings and make it amply clear indirectly to the guy that it’s time to get down on one knee. She could also take you to a diamond store and check out a few rings there. Even then if you don’t understand that is showing signs that she is desperate to get married to you then you should check your intelligent quotient.

3. Talking about a future together

Sometimes the person will not talk directly about marriage but will talk about commitment. She will talk about your future together. As we told you earlier this is a sure sign she wants to be your wife. The kids and dog or cat she sees you guys having in future. She would talk about where she wants you both to settle down eventually. In her mind, this eventually might be closer than you think.

4. The casual mention of a married life

This is a litmus test of a sort for people. When she casually mentions your distant, future marriage in a completely normal conversation it is to gauge your reaction. This is not always done intentionally of course, but it does let you know that the thought has crossed her mind, so you better be paying attention. This a subtle sign that she wants to be your wife.

5. She involves a messenger

Another popular method requires outside help. Whether it is her or your best friend, they either directly or casually put the idea out there that if you were to propose to them they would say yes. They know that this information will be conveyed to you. After which the ball will be in your court. Her BFF would tell you how much she is looking forward to an engagement ring.

6. She will say you are husband material

This refers to the time when your girlfriend tells you how you are husband material in comparison to other men. They might be fictional or real people you know. When she says how different and perfect you are compared to the other person, she is also thinking how perfect you are, based on the ideas she has about what kind of man she needs. She might be thinking you’re the one and she is ready to be your wife.

7. She would be revisiting the turning point in your relationship

Every couple has a few places which are theirs. A cafe where you met, a place where you first realised you loved each other. The holiday you took where you knew they were the one or a place where you hang out every day. The places aren’t special just on their own; it’s the meaning you bring to them that makes them important. This is a sign she loves you deeply. One way a girl can tell you that she’s ready to be your wife is by taking you back to that place as a form of celebration. By pointing out how and why the place is important for your journey so far. This is a clear hint if you read the small print, which as a rule, in general, you always should. This is a sign she wants to be your wife. You just read it right. This is different than just talking to you. The most straightforward way a girl can tell you that she wants to be your wife is if she tells traditional gender roles to just stay away and proposes to you instead. Yes, it’s different and you might be surprised, but this shows that she is willing to take life by the horns and do what it takes to be your wife. This might just be the perfect one for you. Admire her for loving you so deeply.

Signs A Girl Shows That She Is Ready To Be Your Wife - 15Signs A Girl Shows That She Is Ready To Be Your Wife - 13Signs A Girl Shows That She Is Ready To Be Your Wife - 62Signs A Girl Shows That She Is Ready To Be Your Wife - 19Signs A Girl Shows That She Is Ready To Be Your Wife - 31