How To Tell A Woman You Are In The Mood For Sex

Stop. Stop thinking like that. You can’t be blatant about it or forward. You can’t be overtly horny or demanding. It cannot be only about the intercourse itself.  As I keep saying, sex happens between two ears rather than two legs for a woman. If you want to get laid, you must learn how to woo your woman. If she sees the romance in your approach, then you are definitely getting it tonight. But be very careful; don’t offend her. That could mean a week on the sofa. So try and be charming yet persuasive. Follow her cues. Women have a way of communicating what they want and you will know exactly what if you pay attention. Start with small things, a smile or a gesture. Develop a code based on the understanding between you two. Let her know how she makes you feel and doesn’t hide your feelings behind masculine reticence. A woman likes it when men become vulnerable with desire. Women like to be desired, not objectified. How to keep that balance is a tricky thing. All you need to convey is what your heart already feels. I’m not saying it is easy, I’m just saying it is right. So here’s how you should let a woman know you want sex.

1. Smile

A smile is a powerful thing. Have you smiled at your woman for no reason at all? Try it. Every time she looks at you, greet her with one of your teasing smiles. Soon she will realise it to be a sign of your undying desire for her.

2. Hold hands

Hold her hand. Not only when you are alone but also in public. Hold her hand for so long that she starts missing it when you are not around so that she starts craving your touch. This is a great way to tell a woman you want to be intimate with her.

3. Admire the beauty

You don’t always need to say it out loud. Just look at her and let your eyes do the talking. In a crowd or at a party, your eyes should be always on her. She might get conscious, even embarrassed at times, but that little smile is your reward. You know what comes next.

4. Compliment her

You don’t need to be a poet or a painter to give your woman a compliment. Just dwell on the details. Don’t just say ‘you look beautiful’, but talk about the making of her dress, the colour of her lipstick, the style of her earrings. If you are attentive enough, she will start responding in kind.

5. Give her flowers

Give her flowers for no reason. The aromatic presence of flowers will make the mood romantic. Put a flower in her breakfast tray or put some in her hair when she’s getting ready for a party. Put petals on the bed for the night: She will sure read the signs. She would love your way of telling her that you are hoping for a romantic time with her on that flowery bed.

6. Give her lingerie

This is the sexiest way to tell a woman that you want to sleep with her. Choose flimsy little lingerie for your woman, something that fits her style.

7. Invent role-play

Tell her about your fantasies; tell her how exactly you want the narrative to go. Then let her take control. Whether you want to be dominated or served, she will only know if you tell her. Keep it interesting, keep her entertained: it will be immensely fruitful for you.

8. Use sticky notes

Imagine she comes home from work and opens the cabinet to find a sticky note saying, ‘I want you’ or one on the bathroom mirror saying, ‘I want to see you naked’. Using office supplies to woo your woman can actually get the ‘work’ done for you. This is the most creative way to tell her you to want her in every way.

9. Cook dinner

When you want to be the dessert, you might start by making dinner. Cook something simple but aromatic; lure her to the dinner table before you lure her to the bed. Cook something that you can even eat off each other: Something creamy or saucy would do.

10. Surprise her

How long has it been since you have planned something nice for her? A candlelit dinner or a weekend gateway at the beach: Plan something to show her a good time. Remain close to her the whole time; make her feel loved and cared for. Sometimes good things take a little more effort, but at the end of the day, it is worth it. Everything you do to make her happy will, in turn, make you happy because your happiness resides in her and seeing her smile. You find her irresistible: once you find a way to communicate that to your woman you don’t need to even ask to have sex.

10 Creative Ways To Tell Your Woman That You Want Sex - 8810 Creative Ways To Tell Your Woman That You Want Sex - 3610 Creative Ways To Tell Your Woman That You Want Sex - 9210 Creative Ways To Tell Your Woman That You Want Sex - 38